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5 Steps To Finding Your Donor Match

Somewhere in Everie’s egg donor database is the woman who will become an integral part of your child’s origin story. She will generously share her time and DNA to help you grow your family—whether or not you ever actually meet. To assist you in finding your best match, we’ve put together this guide taking you through the donor selection and matching process.
Here are the 5 steps to finding your donor match:
Growing your family with Everie begins by completing our parent form and creating an Everie account. This grants you access to our egg donor database.

Before you dive in, we encourage you and your partner (if you have one) to take some time to consider what is most important to you—not just in a donor but in your future children as well. We’ve already assembled some guidance on egg donor selection criteria to get you started, but we invite you to expand and personalize it as much as you like.

Identify What’s Most Important to You in a Donor

Once you’ve gotten clarity on what you are looking for, it’s time to find the who. Our egg donor database will show you all our active donors. To help narrow your search, you can use the navigation bar's list of searchable criteria to filter through the candidates.
These criteria include:
Donor ID
Prior Egg Donor
Marital Status
Type of Egg Donation
Fresh or Frozen
Eye Color
Hair Color
Hair Type

Search the Database and Filter by Criteria

After applying your search filters, you can take a closer look at individual donors who catch your eye. You can view Summary Cards for each donor and click on Donor Details for further information. You can also take notes for later reference and “favorite” your top choices.

In addition, we offer recipient parents the ability to build Comparison Reports and create PDF booklets for specific donors. These are a great way to include your partner and loved ones as you narrow your search.

Review Donor Profiles

Now that you’ve shortlisted your favorite candidates, you can register your interest in matching with them. First, though, you’ll need to complete the following tasks in your account: 
Fill out your parent forms
Schedule a consultation call
Complete the consultation form

Recipient parents seeking a fresh egg donor will also need to make a payment and complete a Recipient Parent Matching Form, which gives them the opportunity to share their story with potential donor matches. Your responses can be as brief or detailed as you’d like and can include anything from photos and anecdotes to your favorite vacation, your hobbies and interests, your job, pets, extended family, and more—anything that can help prospective donors learn about you before they agree to a match. Once these steps are done, you can “reserve” an available donor or claim a space in their queue if they have other interested parties. Egg donors can match with up to 3 recipient parents at a time. If they are listed as “Matching” or “Match (# in Queue),” you can add yourself for consideration, provided they have availability. After you reserve your favorite donors, you can then move on to the matching process!

Reserve Your Favorites

Everie will share your matching form with your preferred donor(s). If they accept the match, we will arrange a video call if they are a Known or Semi-Known donor so you can meet them and see if you would both like to proceed with each other.

If an ID release or de-identified donor accepts the match, you will proceed directly to the next step: embryo development for frozen eggs or egg retrieval for fresh egg donations.

Our mutual match process means that egg donors and recipient parents must say “yes” to one another to move forward in the process. Getting that mutual match is a joyful moment because it makes growing your family a tangible reality.

Request To Match!


Get Started With Everie

The Mutual Match™ is just one aspect of the Everie difference. After 25+ years at the forefront of the fertility space, we are pioneering a new egg donation experience that gives equal care and consideration to donors, recipient parents, and donor-conceived individuals.

Benefits of a Mutual Match™

More than benefitting egg donors and recipient parents alike, though, the mutual match benefits the children they help create together. 

A mutual match empowers egg donors and reclaims their place in the assisted reproduction conversation. It allows them to choose whose family they help to grow and the level of identity disclosure and future contact that is most comfortable for them.

Get Started With Everie

Everie’s unique Mutual Match™ approach sets the foundation for candid, transparent, and heartfelt connections between egg donors and recipient parents.
Our egg donors are generous, compassionate young women choosing to help others grow their families. A “transactional” model where donated eggs are purchased without the donor’s knowledge or consent does not do justice to this beautiful family-building path.
A Mutual Match™ with Everie, by contrast, brings humanity and warmth back to the egg donor selection process and empowers both sides to say “yes” to one another.
Mutual Match™ encourages donors and parents to think decades into the future: How will today’s decisions affect the next generation as they grow up? How will knowing (or not knowing) where they come from affect their sense of identity? What happens if they come of age and want to explore their origins on their own?
With a Mutual Match™, egg donors and recipient parents agree on how to handle these questions and clarify their unique expectations and wishes. They become a team who will build a family together based on voluntary and informed choice.

Offering Support and Guidance

We offer numerous resources—plus our team’s own expertise and first-hand experience—to help both egg donors and recipient parents make informed, carefully-considered choices that best fit their unique circumstances.

Everie helps facilitate a Mutual Match™ by assisting with any questions, concerns, or challenges that may arise during the egg donor selection process.
Maintaining open lines of communication and having clear, realistic expectations can make finding your ideal match a smooth and profoundly fulfilling process.

Ensuring Privacy and Confidentiality

An essential aspect of the Mutual Match™ discussion is the privacy and confidentiality of the egg donor and donor-conceived individual’s identities. 

Based on the donor’s identity disclosure type, a variety of questions will need to be thoroughly considered. These decisions include:

How much contact is comfortable for both the egg donor and recipient family?

What identifying information can be revealed about the donor?

When and how donor-conceived individuals can get in touch with the donor ?

Although Everie encourages Known egg donation, we uphold every donor’s right to choose the level of identity disclosure that is right for her—and we support her if she wishes to become more known at a later point. We also help our recipient parents navigate conversations about their children’s origins and reinforce a strong sense of identity in their children. 
Personal values
Common interests
Physical attributes
Genetic carrier status
Identity disclosure status (Known, Semi-Known, ID Release, or De-Identified)
Egg donation cycle type (fresh or frozen)
Previous donation history
When the ideal available fresh donor or frozen donor with available cohorts for purchase is identified, parents can share their profile introducing themselves and explaining why they want to grow their families.

Finding an Egg Donor

When searching through a database, recipient parents can evaluate donor candidates based upon several critieria, including:

This is where the Everie model stands out: recipient parent profiles are being shared with potential donor matches, giving the donors the ability to learn about the parents and accept the match request.

If the egg donor(s) are interested and willing to be identified, a video call can be arranged to see how well both parties get along with each other and whether they share a connection. For ID release and de-identified donors, a Mutual Match™ can be established using the donor profile and recipient parent statement.

Can you choose an Indian/Asian egg donor or one of another ethnicity? 

We understand it's important for many intended parents to share their heritage with their child. Ethnicity is one of the criteria you can include in your search criteria when using our egg donor database. Eggs of certain ethnicities are less available and in higher demand than others because there is a limited number of women from these backgrounds who choose to be egg donors. 

How Matching Works

One of our most progressive innovations in the egg donation process is the concept of a Mutual Match™ between the recipient parents and the egg donor. Traditionally, recipient parents would obtain eggs through an egg bank without any input, involvement, or even awareness from the egg donor—or, in the case of an egg donor agency, without needing the donor’s approval.
two adults holding hands

Everie’s commitment to a Mutual Match™ challenges the transactional one-way model by bringing real human connection and informed consent to the heart of this decision.

Our egg donors have the right to agree to who can use their eggs, and our recipient parents get to grow their families with someone with whom they truly, deeply connect.
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