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Legal Considerations & Contracts

When growing a family through egg donation recipient parents face a variety of legal considerations and contracts. For our recipient parents from outside the United States, it’s important to remember that parental rights and assisted reproduction laws vary from country to country. We encourage all recipient parents to consult with an attorney specializing in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) law.
The Contract should specifically establish the intent, rights, and obligations of both the intended parent[s] and the egg donor, and that the donor solely intends to be a donor. Also, that the donor will agree to assist in any way, if necessary, to help establish Recipient Parents’ parentage rights.

Parentage Rights

The contract should detail the Recipient Parents’ legal control over the retrieved eggs and embryos created from the donated eggs. 

Use and Control of the Embryos and Eggs

For fresh donations only, the contract should cover financial compensation, reimbursement of expenses like travel and medical costs, insurance coverage, and any contingencies, such as if a procedure is delayed or canceled. Clarifying what you will and won’t be responsible for can help avoid future misunderstandings.

Financial Arrangements

Your contract should establish the rules and guidance regarding the privacy and confidentiality of all parties involved. Agreements on the extent, timing, and method of identity disclosure and communication, especially for donor-conceived children, are essential to cover.

Confidentiality and Privacy


Do I Need an ART attorney?

As mentioned above, an attorney with a background in ART law can be invaluable during your family-building process. You can consult with them to get your questions answered and your next steps laid out for you, or you can retain them to draft, review, and oversee the execution of egg donor contracts.

Familiarizing Yourself with Applicable Laws

In addition to outside legal counsel, we recommend conducting your own research to understand the legal requirements, rights, and responsibilities of all parties involved, including the recipient parents, egg donor, surrogate (if applicable), and donor-conceived individuals. 
Recipient parents from outside the U.S. may also want to familiarize themselves with the laws in both the United States and their home country to ensure that all procedures are followed. We can also connect recipient parents with an attorney to get their questions answered.

Legal Contracts for Egg Donation

Egg donor contracts are written agreements between the recipient parents and the egg donor that detail the rights and obligations of both parties and their intentions and expectations for their relationship during the donation, and in the future. expectations to avoid future disputes. 
While your attorney can draft these for you, you will want to make sure that the following aspects are addressed:

Get Started With Everie

The legal considerations and contracts involved in assisted reproduction can be highly complex. Working closely with an attorney specializing in ART law will help you navigate the various nuances. 

Everie strives to bring transparency and informed, forward-thinking decision-making to the fertility landscape.

Growing a family through egg donation and surrogacy touches many lives, and our experienced team works tirelessly to ensure that each one is properly heard and considered.
How will the contracts and decisions you make today affect your children 5, 10, or 20 years down the road? With Everie, you don’t need to figure that out on your own. We offer a support system, a wealth of compassionate insight, and over 25 years of experience to help you and the kind-hearted women you work with determine what is best for everyone involved.

How Much Do Fresh vs. Frozen Donor Eggs Cost?

The price for donor eggs will vary depending on whether you choose fresh or frozen eggs. As a full-service egg donation program, Everie offers recipient parents both types of donations so they can find the option that best suits their unique circumstances.

Frozen eggs

Frozen eggs start at $19,500 for 6 eggs but come with our unique Everie guarantee that each set of 6 will produce at least 1 viable blastocyst (undifferentiated embryo cells) for embryo transfer.

If you do not have at least 1 viable blastocyst, Everie will provide the recipient parents with an additional 6 eggs at no extra cost. Please keep in mind that this type of egg donation will incur other costs, such as the IVF expenses for thawing, fertilizing, and transferring the embryo.
Learn more about all costs for frozen eggs by clicking here.

Fresh eggs

Please keep in mind that this type of egg donation cycle includes other costs, such as the donor's travel and medications, and your IVF clinic costs for medical screening and consultation, embryo creation and transferring. Recipient parents have the benefit of receiving all the eggs retrieved during the egg donation cycle (typically between 10 and 20), giving them a greater number of options when choosing the blastocyst to implant.
Learn more about all costs for fresh eggs by clicking here.

Fresh eggs start at $23,000 and include our agency fee, legal agreements, and initial donor screening.

With both egg donation cycle types, recipient parents can preserve the remaining embryos for future use if they want to have more children.

What Is the Cost for a Frozen Egg Donor vs. a Fresh Egg Donor?

The wide variance in cost between fresh and frozen eggs is due to the nature of the donation. Frozen egg donors have already been screened, tested, and approved for egg donation. Their unfertilized eggs are cryogenically preserved until the recipient parents are ready to use them.
Fresh eggs can involve a synchronous donation cycle in which the egg donor and recipient parent (or gestational carrier) hormonally align their menstrual cycle to prepare for a smooth, seamless transfer as soon as the eggs are fertilized and developed into blastocysts. Alternatively, the recipient parents can freeze (“vitrify”) the blastocysts for transfer at a later date.
As fresh eggs are obtained after the match process, the recipient parent(s) must also cover the donor’s medical and travel expenses associated with the egg retrieval procedure.

Are There Other Costs To Consider?

Beyond financial considerations, recipient parents may want to keep in mind the mental and emotional effects this process can have, as well as the time and labor costs (such as time off work for appointments, any travel needed, etc) that may be involved.
Both egg donation cycle types consistently produce healthy babies, with fresh eggs typically giving parents more viable embryo options and a slightly higher success rate, according to recent data from the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology. 
Some recipient parents may find that choosing fresh eggs gives them greater peace of mind. Other parents prefer the flexibility that accompanies frozen egg donation cycles, which allows them to determine the timing of their fertility journey.
In addition, frozen eggs are immediately available from the recipient parents’ preferred donor. With fresh egg donation, the parents may need to wait for their ideal egg donor to be available for an egg donation cycle—or they may need to consider having alternate options and plans in place.

Does Everie Accept Insurance?

Although Everie does not accept insurance, we can support recipient parents in working with an insurance agency to help offset some of the costs.
Progyny is one such fertility insurance company we recommend. They can help you approach your employer to advocate for fertility coverage (if no IVF or assisted reproduction policy is currently in place) and will seamlessly integrate into your existing medical benefits plan.

Is Financing Available?

Everie offers financing options to make growing a family more accessible for recipient parents. Please get in touch with our team at to discuss how we can help.

How Much Do Donor Eggs Cost?

If you are looking to grow your family through egg donation, the question of cost will inevitably come up. Recipient parents wondering how much to budget for egg donation will need to consider more than just the price of donor eggs. Time, quantity, medical costs, travel, and emotional impact will also factor heavily into the decision.
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