How Does Mutual Matching™ Work?

Do You Have to Choose Mutual Matching™?
No, donors are not required to opt for mutual matching.
However, we believe Mutual Matching™ provides the most rewarding experiences for all parties involved. The best part about mutual matching is that a donor has the opportunity to decide who receives her eggs. While the recipient parent selects a donor from the database, donors have the final say in whether or not they wish to move forward with the donation with those parents.
Mutual Matching™ also fosters the best environment for Disclosed Egg Donations. Donors will select all of the donation types they are willing to consider. The recipient parents will search within the database for a donor who matches the type of donation they wish to have.
While the fertility space has not historically pushed and advocated for Disclosed Donations, we believe it is one of the strongest building blocks to growing a family through donation. It's what sets Everie apart.
As a donor, you will first apply to either be available for a fresh cycle donation or complete a retrieval for a frozen cycle donation. You will also select the donation types you are willing to work with: Known, Semi-Known, or ID Release.
Recipient Parents will register with Everie. They will receive access to an entire database of egg donors (this is where your donor profile will be!). After refining a list of potential donors (fresh donations) or a cohorts(s) of eggs from donors (frozen donation), the parents will then share as much information about themselves as they’d like on a profile.
This can be anything that they truly feel comfortable sharing about themselves that’s not wholly identifying. For instance, they can share their first names, favorite hobbies, upload photos of their dogs, etc. — information that provides donors an idea of who they are as people and future parents.
Everie will then contact you (the donor) and say, “These/This recipient parent(s) would like to match with you (if it’s a fresh cycle) or use a cohort of your eggs (if they’re frozen) and these are the parameters they’d like it to be done under (this would be the donation type).”
You then have 3 days to get back to us and either confirm if you would like to match with the parents or pass on them.
For frozen donations, we’ll ask donors at the time of their donation, “If someone comes forward and would like to use your eggs, how should we proceed?”
In other words, if we do not hear from the donor within 3 days after the recipient parents express interest in their frozen eggs, this will allow us to go ahead and release the donor’s eggs as ID Release, based on what the donor has stipulated ahead of her donation cycle. We have donors make this decision in advance because it allows us to match their eggs without their consent specifically at that time.

Our Mutual Matching™ process at Everie affirms that both donors and recipient parents have a say in with whom they match. By empowering both parties in the decision-making process, we hope to create the foundation for meaningful and lasting relationships as they embark on this journey together.
At Everie, our mission is to support donors and recipient parents in the careful consideration of Disclosed Donations. We believe this donation type not only benefits the donor-conceived individual’s sense of identity but the child’s understanding of their origin and their future. We hope to build a community of donors – of strong, bright women – who recognize the benefits of being open and sharing their information for the greater good.